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Our Projects

Get to Know Our Partners

At Paramedics for Paramedics, our goal is to enable existing pre-hospital organizations to provide better care.

We build strategic partnerships with like-minded groups in need of assistance to continue or expand their existing work. We can offer the procurement of supplies, subject matter consultation and/or medical education.  

Projects: Our Causes
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Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital

This project partner is what started it all. Over the course of two and a half weeks, we fundraised for, then procured, serviced, stocked and delivered three ambulances for PFVMH

Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PFVMH) is a non-governmental organization of civilian healthcare professionals providing medical care on the frontline of the war in Ukraine. PFVMH was founded in 2014 to provide medical aid within the occupied territory in Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts, completing their first mission in 2014.

They work in partnership with the Ukrainian state, ensuring that they uniquely combine the enthusiasm and flexibility of a volunteer movement with the focused and strategic approach offered by state agencies.


A note to our team from Ann F, a medical corps volunteer with PFVMH:

"We have had some donated ambulances but some have deficiencies such as the ceiling leaks water and another, there is no mechanism to secure the stretcher.

This organization works solely on donations and volunteers. As you can appreciate the current tempo has exponentially increased and the need for equipment also has increased. 

Your offer comes at a critical time and we appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts."


Centrum Pomocy Humanitarnej w Szegini

We were able to provide these partners with groceries and hygenic supplies while in the process of delivering the ambulances, We are going to be providing additonal support in the coming days as this group seeks the expansion of their medical efforts. 

The Shehyni Humanitarian Aid Centre was founded by a group of volunteers who joined their forces with a common goal: to provide heat to Ukrainians escaping from war, waiting in long lines at the border crossing.


When they arrived at the Ukrainian side of the border crossing on March the 5th, the situation was dramatic. People were suffering from cold, distress, and medical conditions.

Within only the first 10 hours of operations, they served over 300 liters of hot drinks, hosted around 40 refugees in a heated shelter, and provided medical help to dozens of people. Within the first month, they helped almost 100,000 people by providing food, drinks, shelter, and medical help.


A one-off idea turned into an impactful, long-term initiative not limited to the local help in Shehyni. 

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